Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2

Okay so you guys already may be skeptical but let me start off by saying I understand that the second texas chainsaw massacre is by no means a good or well made movie. No you won't find any life changing moments with in the confines of this film but it doesn't stop it from being great fun to watch (assuming you like b horror). I want you to look at the films poster above. What do you see? Well yes to start off it is Dennis Hopper which is great to begin with but keep looking. You'll notice that he has not one but two chainsaws. If the picture showed you what was to his right you would see yet another chainsaw. Do you understand what that means? Dennis Hopper goes in with three chainsaws. Three. He DUAL WIELDS chainsaws during a CHAINSAW FIGHT with Leatherface.

I'm not joking.

He's not going in calmly in the name of everything good in the world either. He is not happy with the situation that has arisen and he want's everyone to know it.

This is one the first people in a horror movie to say to hell with it and just come in fully strapped to take care of business. So yeah don't mess with Dennis Hopper. Wait what was I supposed to be talking about?

And who was the bad guy again?


  1. Not surprised to read that this isn't a well made move.

  2. Lol I gotta watch this movie!

  3. Even the pictures look like poo haha. Following...

  4. I never saw this movie, and now I never will.

  5. Never saw this but friends said is was super scary!

  6. I don't care how poorly made B horror movies are, I still watch them for pure entertainment. Check out Slashers, a Japanese B horror flick!

  7. i gotta to admit it was a crazy movie when it came out

  8. Haha, what. Dual-wielding chainsaws? Looks amusing as all hell.
